Monday, March 17, 2025

Jackalope: bioengineering joke?

Intrepid rock gardeners from the Rocky Mountain Chapter in Wyoming

Hard to believe ten years have passed since we took this picture--in Douglas, Wyoming, I believe. We were returning from a magical five days in NW Wyoming (a tour--filled up now--will do the same this June). That trip was memorable--the tour was designed for the American Public Gardens Association--and no one signed up. [Poor them!] Since we'd contracted with the St. Thomas the Apostle Retreat Center for rooms and board, I felt obligated to follow through--and persuaded 8 dear friends to cough up enough money to cover costs (van, gas, room, board). It was an outrageous success!

Eritrichium elongatum on the Bighorns

 None of us suspected at the time that the predictably good flower displays of Wyoming would be off the charts that year. I have never had a harder time driving a vehicle: the vanload of flower lovers were screaming "STOP THE VAN" every ten minutes. Had I heeded their calls, we'd probably still be up it was I was glared at a lot for not stopping enough. We did have a schedule you know!

I can't promise you Superbloom (yet! The snows have been good and the promise is there)...and I am sure bioengineering has yet to produce a Jack Rabbit-Pronghorn hybrid. I am afraid the tour to Cody, the Bighorns, Beartooth and Yellowstone is SOLD OUT! But there is still our AGM in Cheyenne to look forward to:

But I can assure you that if you sign up for Peaks and Prairies this June you'll have a wonderful time--great talks, great field trips and fantastic venues. Click 


Sign up, and I'll see you there!

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