Come hear me present at one of these New England venues:
November 2, 2024
“Glimpses from the Eaves of the World: the Himalayas”
Androsace hookeri in Sikkim 2023 |
New England NARGS Luncheon (More info here!)
Boston area
November 3
“Searching for Succulents in All the Wrong Places”
Orostachys spinosa in Kazakhstan |
Cactus & Succ. Society of Massachusetts (More info here:
(12)1-4 p.m., in
Norfolk, Massachusetts at the Public Library at 2 Liberty Lane.
November 9
“Armenia: plant hunting in the heart of the Caucasus”
Iris paradoxa in the wild |
Berkshire NARGS (
Meetings of the Berkshire Chapter are held in the Education Center at the Berkshire Botanical Garden, Stockbridge, MA. Click here for directions and a map for the Berkshire Botanical Garden. Mark your Calendars now! Our email notices for each meeting give details about the speaker and any changes in date or location, or precautions due to Covid-19. Coffee and tea are ready at 10:00 a.m. for informal gathering and conversation. A short business meeting starts at 10:30 a.m., followed by our morning program. Bring your own lunch. A plant sale and auction are usually held before the afternoon program, with plants donated by members and speakers. Proceeds support our chapter.
November 10
“Ex Africa semper aliquid novi”
![]() |
Delosperma sphalmanthoides in my garden |
Connecticut Cactus and Succulent Society (
United Church of Christ, Southbury
283 Main St. N, Southbury CT 06488
It would be worth attending all these talks, not just because Panayoti is a great speaker, but also to see different parts of New England.