Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Amazing amaryllids of the Andes!

Zephyranthes gilliesiana on steppe (San Martin to Villa  Pehuenia by Alumine)

There's not a lot words can add to these pictures if you're a bulb afficionado like myself: I would give a great deal to be able to grow these one day!  Of course, the rosulate violets were awesome, the rare cacti a great thrill--but seeing these glorious monocots on the steppe and well above treeline....that was a dream come true! I am not going to clutter the rest of these pictures with words: just enjoy! and Viva Argentina!

Zephyranthes gilliesiana (San Martin to Villa  Pehuenia by Alumine)


Rhodolirium andinum on steppe (Primeros Pinos)

Rhodolirium andicola on the alpine (Volcan Copahue)

Zephyranthes araucana in alpine turf (Volcan Copahue)

Zephyranthes araucana in alpine turf (Volcan Copahue)

Zephyranthes araucana on the steppes (Road to Chos Malal)

Zephyranthes araucana on the steppes (Road to Chos Malal)

Red tinted Zephyranthes araucana on the steppes (Road to Chos Malal)

Red tinted Zephyranthes araucana on the steppes (Road to Chos Malal)


  1. Fantastic, thanks for showing these rarely seen treasures.

  2. Wow, just wow. Want ;-) Thanks for the photos of these wonderful plants.


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