Monardella macrantha 'Marian Sampson' at the Garden at Kendrick Lake |
Certain plants just possess that certain
"je ne sais quoi" (You might be amused to click on that and read some alternative translations of the phrase)...but basically, there are the plants one sees and simply HAS to grow: I struggled to obtain this wonderful Southern California native, and finally did get one (in an IPPS auction) originating with Suncrest Nursery, and ultimately from the eponymous Sampsons who first selected it. I had grown a few from wild collected seed in the distant past that were short lived and never did much: this clone seems to be much more tolerant of gardens
I have had many people tell me that they've had trouble growing this: I thought it would be insgructrive to see how well it's doing in four or five local gardens (many public with infrequent attention) and looking mighty good indeed! I have many more pictures from previous years...perhaps I shall add rhesel
Monardella macrantha 'Marian Sampson' at the Garden APEX crevice garden in Arvada |
Monardella macrantha 'Marian Sampson' at the Garden at the Colorado Springs Xeriscape Demonstration Garden |
Another one at Kendrick Lake |
Monardella macrantha 'Marian Sampson' in the garden of Domenique Turnbull in Green Mountain Falls, Colorado |
Same plant with the surrrounding context |
Most of these pictures were taken in September--this is obviously a wonderful plant for late summer color in our climate. I think It merits a lot more testing: I think a star has been born!
I tried that plant this year--purchased from the Xera Nursery Dudes. Mine doesn't look terrific--nothing like yours--but maybe next year. I think I'll move it to a better spot.