Friday, June 21, 2024

Pulsatilla albana ssp. armena

I have been fortunate to grow up not far from where pasqueflowers grew abundantly in the wild. And I have seen a half dozen (or more) species growing across Eurasia and the Pacific Northwest--they often create true spectacles when growing in masses--but I have never seen a species growing with such an incredible range of variability in color as I did on May 15 in northeasternmost Armenia on montane steppe. I grow a rather bright yellow form of this very species in my garden--but now I would love to have its full range such as we experienced on this magic day!

This is a diminutive plant--much smaller than P. vulgaris, for instance. Much better suited for growing in rock gardens. I love this pale yellow phase!

They were variable in habit as well--look at these long peduncles!

You can see my fellow flower lovers on the trip behind: we were all bessoten admiring the blooms!

I like this hairy purple one!

I loved seeing distinct forms next to one another. 

Tamar Galstyan taking closeups (she was our local guide and author of the Armenia wildflower book we used).

On and on they went!

Looking at these gives me a pang of regret that spring has slipped by this year--my pasqueflowers are all past seed now except for a few...

But they're still blooming in the mountains--I'd better get up there!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Snapshot June 1, 2024 (Garden Conservancy Tour)

Echinocereus x roetteri

Erigeron ursinus
Aethionema grandiflorum
Delphinium exaltatum
Delphinium exaltatum
Delphinium exaltatum

Delphinium trolllifolium
Polygonatum sp. (Omei Shan)

Townsendia parryi
Penstemon x rupicola
Minuartia stellata

Aquilegia saximontana

Heuhera hallii & Telesonix jamesii

Telesonix jamesii
Orostachys minus and Genista lydia
Onoco-bred Iris
Allium nigrum
Gilia subnuda
Cylindropuntia 'Pinkie'
Cylindropuntia 'Pinkie'

Campanula topaliana
Anthemis cretica
Lithops sp. 
Townsendia parryi

Gilia capitata
Iris tectorum
Penstemon albidus
Geranium phaeum
Maianthemum (Smilacina) racemosa
Daphne alpina and Achillea x kellereri
Papaver rupifragum (double flowered)
Melittis melissophyllum
Iris siberica (dwf)
Dicentra formosa (white flowered)
Melampodium leucanthum
Gazania linearis and Scutellaria alpina
Delosperma nubigenum (Halda coll.)
Crevice garden
Dianthus cv.

Salvia nutans

Salvia nutans
Dictamnus albus
Eriogonum umbellatum v. aureum 'Kannah Creek'
Paeonia peregrina
Aquilegia coerulea 
Geranium x cantabrigense 'Biokovo'
Campanula portenshlagiana 
Dictamnus angustifolius (white fl.)
Erodium manescavii
Aethionema grandiflorum and Aquilegia barnebyi
Anthemis marschalliana
Thalictrum tuberosum
Iberis taurica 
Papaver rupifragum (double fl.)
Alyssum oxycarpum
Dianthus cf. lumnitzeri
Aquilegia alpina
Clematis hexapetala
Echinocereus rigidissimus (Peloncillo mountains)
Clematis crispa
Paeonia peregrina
Papaver orientale 'Beauty of Livermere'
Unknown tall bearded iris (Kelly Norris, where are you when I need you?)
Salvia ringens
Centaurea (Psephellus) simplicicaulis 
Geranium saxatile
Geranium saxatile
Verbascum bombyciferum
Geranium phaeum
Vancouveria chrysantha

Daphne alpina 
Daphne oleioides
Thalictrum tuberosum
Cyanchum ascyrifolium
Clematis hexapetala
Dianthus cf. lumnitzeri
Iris siberica 
Clematis integrifolia 'Mongolian Bells'
Alyssum markgraffii
Dictamnus albus
Penstemon grandiflorus
Sphaeralcea coccinea
Thymus kotschyanus
Amsonia illustris
Allium 'Mars'
Tulipa sprengeri
Stachys citrina
Verbascum x 'Letitia'
Glaucium flavum
Aquilegia rockii
Echinocereus weedinii (and interloper)
Echinocereus weedinii
Nigella damascena
Aquilegia alpina

Eriogonum umbellatum v. porteri
Gladiolus italicus
Daphne dominii

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