Viola pedata |
In May of 2015 the Great Lakes Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society hosted the annual meeting. We visited spectacular gardens (some of which I've featured in five or six of my previous blogs). There were also fantastic field trips to natural areas in Michigan...the following pictures were all taken in one of these hikes. I will return to the fabulous birdsfoot violet at the very end--I've seen this in several states east of the Mississippi--but never so many nor so variable of forms. Surely this is one of the choicest native wildflowers! And I'm glad to say, I have it in my garden (thanks to a lime tolerant race from Kentucky)...
Arisaema triphyllum |
If you don't look a bit carefully you may miss quite a few jack in the pulpits that were not quite in full bloom yet in this picture...and the first Trillium...
Mitella ? nuda |
Alas, I didn't try and take a closeup of this beautiful miniature--so I can't be sure of which of the two possible species it might be...
Trillium grandiflorum |
One of the glories of the upper Midwest, the grandest of trilliums was everywhere--you'll see lots more soon. But look at all the other gems it's growing with!
Geranium maculatum |
One of the loveliest of our native geraniums was already in bloom in early May!
Trillium grandiflorum |
Had these aged pink--or is this one of those mythical forms that opens pink? I can't say for sure...
Poldophyllum peltatum |
Masses of May Apple: forgot to peek under the leaves to see if they were blooming...
Viola ? sororia |
There were several violets in bloom including this variable blue one...
Trillium grandiflorum |
Just a few trilliums...
Dirca palustris |
I was thrilled to run across this cousin to the daphnes--we have so few in the family in North America growing wild!
And more trilliums! |
And more trilliums! |
And more trilliums! |
Trillium grandiflorum galore! |
More! |
Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas fern) |
Trillium grandiflorum and Anemonella thalictroides |
I think I will make this my Facebook header!
Panax trifolia |
Who knew there was a tiny Ginseng relative that made wonderful colonies in the wild? I didn't until I attended a North American Rock Garden Society Annual Meeting in Ann Arbor two years ago!
Here is an overiew--and yes, that's May Apple (
Podophyllum peltatum) above it.
And I didn't know that Golden Smoke (our wonderful annual fumewort of the West) also grew in Michigan...
Viola pedata | |
Did I mention there was a lot of
Viola pedata?
Look at the variation in form and color! |
More... |
And more... |
They filled the woods
You can probably tell that my dear friend Marcia Tatroe is smiling her head off! |
This was sheer bliss for me... |
Enough comments for now! The plants speak for themselves! |
I'm not sure if this is a plum or a cherry--I suspect Tony Reznicek will straighten us out! He was the chairman of this fabulous meeting... |
Jack in the pulpits again... |
This year the North American Rock Garden Society will hold its Study Weekend in Madison, Wisconsin--the wonderful capital of that state. There will be some spectacular gardens there...and in November we will meet in North Carolina for our Annual Meeting: Montrose--Nancy Goodwin's fantastic garden--will be featured (with its millions of fall blooming snowdrops--
click to see my blog about it at the same time of year as the meeting)...and oh yes, J. C. Raulston Arboretum--and Juniper Level Botanic Garden with Plant Delights--that endless source of fabulous plants! Time to join up (just email NARGS Secretary ("Bobby J. Ward"
nargs@nc.rr.com) and he'll fix you up!)
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