Eranthus hyemalis |
Of course it's cheating just a tad, since most of these flowers were blooming before the last "bomb cyclone" (as the slow news cycle called it--anything to keep people glued to the tube!). Certainly these winter aconites were out, but even a dab of snow in the bacvkground enhances the impact of delicate yellow petal in a cruel world!
Crocus sieberi |
I have to say, however, that I don't remember a single crocus blooming in this spot before aforesaid "cyclone bomb" dropped about 8" of wet snow on us...I think they may have actually come up through the snow!
Galanthus nivalis 'Viidapice'
But snowdrops have been blooming since January. 30" of snow in February slowed them down, and they're still going strong!
I divided my biggest clump of Christmas rose last year, and re-established the pieces in pots planted out in the fall. I'm thrilled that every piece not only established but each clump (like this one) has produced a few flowers to boot!
Adonis amurensis |
The queen of the winter garden, however, is
Adonis amurensis, which was also in full bloom in January...and looks particularly fetching coming up through the snow. I had a single clump I've been dividing, and the divisions even manage to bloom pretty well.
This is my biggest clump, that will also likely come under the knife this year--gotta keep those babies coming alone!
I end with my most pristine clump freshly emerged from snow. Those delicate petals coming through 14F the night before last and not much warmer last night: how do they do it? They're the bomb, that's how!
PK darling, when you divide your Adonis again, please keep me in mind!
ReplyDeleteI wish some of my state's native species bloomed earlier. Here is a list I found for March blooms in Minnesota.
ReplyDeleteChe belli gli Adonis! Non gli ho mai comperati ma lo farò sicuramente. Complimenti per i tuoi!
ReplyDeleteTi auguro una buona Domenica :)
Molte grazie, Pontos!
ReplyDeleteamazing signs of spring's arrival--even in the snow! Saw the first bee enjoying the sunshine and a handy crocus patch.