Lilies for me epitomize summer: we are so lucky thus far to have escaped the plague of Lily beetle, so I have indulged in my love of these elegant spires. This album features various "Martagon" hybrids with fancy cultivar names I have jumbled. They're ridiculously inexpensive--I keep adding more each year...
I suspect this has some Liliium tenuifolium in it.
I've lived long enough that I remember lilies like this being sold as "Bellingham hybrids" often under the rubric of "Lilium x Marhansonii":I can definitely see some Lilium hansonii in this one.
I believe this is the same plant as the last, photographed last year--how different each lily looks in various lights and angles.
This nearly purple-black one hardly shows up in the garden from a distance--but it's one of my favorites nonetheless...
Wouldn't you know, Winter's hardly arrived and I'm yearning for a hot summer's day: such is the perversity of the human spirit!
Happy New Year!
I think we’re too dry for them.
ReplyDeleteBill Barnes, but I like Lilies
ReplyDeleteThe Bill I referenced isn't my Pennsylvania/Florida/Colorado Bill B.-- but one from Pueblo, Colorado. YOU are absolved, my good buddy!