Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A suite of white sweeties. Ensuite!

The Whiteness
"the muffled rollings of a milky sea; the bleak rustlings of the festooned frosts of mountains; the desolate shiftings of the windrowed snows of prairies" Herman Melville, Moby Dick (Chapter 47)

Cyanchum ascyrifolium
It's been over half a century since I read Moby Dick, but I will never forget the chapter dedicated to the color white. Next to the interminable rant on the name "Nicholas" in Tristram Shandy, this has to be the most idiosyncratic and lengthy monology in literature. The absolute whiteness of this perennial brings that chapter to mind. I noticed this week that white flowers are everywhere in my garden right now: is it Nature or is it me?
Cyanchum ascyrifolium
 This rarely encountered Asclepiad from Western China has been blooming for a week and looks to continue for some time. I first saw it in Allen Bush's exquisite Louisville, Kentucky garden and had to have it. It took a few years to track it down, and it's taken a few years to reach this size--I'm smitten and hope it goes on forever: you can read more in a fine writeup on the Plant Lust site.

 Ironically, this seemly and lovely gem is closely related to a noxious weed that appropriately comes in nearly pure black: Vincetoxicum (or Cyanchum) nigrum. Nature has a sense of humor.

Thalictrum tuberosum
Always a thrill when this blooms again: the humor of petaloid meadow rues is not lost on anyone.

Polygonatum hirtum
Of course, most polygonatums are white flowered: this can stand in for thge rest--a rather spready little plant, but I wouldn't be without it!

Phlox pilosa 'Alba'
Unfortunately, half the size it was last year: better try it in a different spot!

Beta trigyna and Rumex scutatus 'Silver Shield'
Two little known and outstanding woodland plants--the Beta is not quite white YET--but will be in a few days. I love its sculptural presence. The sorrel is a must have! Super presence in shade, and not weedy like its cousins. And it just glows in half-light.

Daphne oleioides
Still a few days from peak--I saw this everywhere at higher elevations in central Greece and also in Turkey a few years ago.

Papaver annomalum
Two flowers--don't panic! It's not a monster (monsters are yet to come...). I seem to have found a spot where this delicious poppy persists and spreads! Yay!

Dicentra formosa 'Purity'
I was shocked to see this for sale at Lowe's a few days ago. I love all Dicentra, but this gorgeous albino is one that blooms on and on and tolerates a pretty marginal dry shady spot.

Dicentra formosa 'Purity'

Escoberia sneedii v. leei
A treasured gift from Sandy Snyder, who sold her home and relinquished a lot of gems. She drops by every week to help propagate things in my nursery, and can enjoy this and many other goodies I've gotten from her over the years.

Dianthus sp.
There are a number of frilly white pinks. Love them all (and their fragrance!)

Allium maximowiczii
A recent acquisition from Arrowhead Alpines, a really stunning little gem that keeps on blooming and blooming.

Echium albicans
Brand new--a gift from Bill Adams of Worth growing for those leaves alone, but the picture he sent of the flower was stunning!

Plantago nivalis

You know you have a problem when you realize you have a half dozen species of plantains already--not counting the weed in the lawn. This one is a keeper.

Alopecurus lanatus
One doesn't expect to see a grass with silvery white leaves. I was first given this by Kurt Bluemel in the early 1980's. I killed it time and again, and finally found a spot it likes. Not impressive to most visitors, but a plant redolent with associations for me--especially since seeing it on the tundra of Ulu-Dag, the Turkish Olympus in 2016.
Saxifraga 'Rex'
I've always wondered if this floriferous hybrid was named for my recently deceased friend, Rex Murffit--of Victoria, British Columbia. He was a great connoisseur of silver saxifrages.

Orlaya grandiflora
Misleadingly dubbed 'Minoan lace': I was disillusioned to find out it grows in NORTHERN Greece, not on my ancestral isle. This is a must have annual: never enough!

Rhododendron 'Northern Lights'
Not quite white, I know--but close! My azalea has reached the eaves of the house...over twice the poredicted height of 3-4'.  Oh how they lie!

Dictamnus albus 'Albus'
One of my all time favorite perennials that is dotted all over my garden (mostly pink forms). The ones on exposed, xeric spots all froze to the ground this April during our ridiculous late cold snaps, panicking me. They eventually sprouted back--but plants in shadier spots or moister gardens were unfazed--go figure!
Dictamnus albus 'Albus'
A closer shot of the European species to compare with its Central Asian cousin below.

Dictamnus angustifolius 'Albus'
The shape of the flower and carriage of the foliage is a bit different. I'm intrigued how botanists separate D. albus from D. caucasicus from D. angustifolius--since the range of the genus is pretty much continuous from the Balcans to Kazakhstan.

Tanacetum densum ssp. amani
The flowers are yellow when they open, but the rest of the year this indispensible groundcover is silvery white.
Nicotiana alata 'Alba'
I think I prefer the white Tobacco flowers to other colors. We never have enough of these in pots.

Verbascum bombyciferum
I definitely have enough of this ghostly mullein: I pull out dozens--maybe hundreds--but each year they find a new spot to congregate.

Mentha longifolia
I keep trying to eliminate this, my favorite mint. But it possesses the irrepressible and rude root-spread of all mints. Surely there's a corner I where I can let it run riot?
Agave albopilosa and Espostoa lanata
Succulents can sport whiteness--the tufts of white on the recently described Agave always attract attention. And the Cactus is the epitome of whiteness (as is Mammillaria plumosa, which I sliced on the right hand side of the picture).

Cowania mexicana
Not so much white as a sort of yellowing ivory. I know we should call it Purshia, but Federick was such a rascal!

Verbascum bombyciferum variety obscenum
Several wooly mulleins have gone rogue this year.

Salvia cyanescens
This stunning Turkish Salvia has run riot at Jan's home in NW Denver. I keep transplanting them to Quince, and finally one deigned to remain.

Onopordon acaule x acanthium
Everyone should have a signature weed. Mine is Onopordon acaule. But I'm rather fond of the truly noxious O. acanthium as well--and last year they obviously did hanky panky, and I have a number of intermediates in the garden.

Onopordon acaule x acanthium
They are rather freakish, I know. My ex-wife didn't have much patience for spiny plants--or succulents for that matter. Ironically, she wrote a pretty wonderful book about Hardy Succulents during our divorce. She would also say that "white is not a color" which was really not the main issue leading to the dissolution of our marriage. Although it might have been a factor.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely collection of white. I do adore the fuzzy wuzzy plantain. I can hardly pass a verbascum with those big velvety leaves. The agave with the white tufts at the ends is sweet.


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