Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Orchid extravaganza in the Bronx

The New York Botanical Gardens in the Bronx are undeniably in the first rank of public gardens worldwide. I have been visiting regularly for more years than I'd like to admit, but this last week was the first time I had to see the Orchid display that they have featured in late winter for many years now. My fuzzy pictures on my phone do not do it justice. Just go there! What an amazing spectacle it is--and it will last all of this month. Click here for more info on it.

Near the entrance of the show this extravaganza of Phalaenopsis is much grander than your local Safeway or Trader Joe's!

I was told how many plants are employed--truly astronomical: lets just say added to the permanent orchid collection, it's well over five figures in numbers....

 Not all the visitors are required to wear complementary colored jackets, by the way. This was serendipity...

 My commentary will not add much, so just enjoy...

The flashing lights of the tunnel leading from one greenhouse complex to the next used to feature photographs of NYBG scientists: this is rather more effective for visitors! 

 Although I show a number of people in the pictures, I was surprised with the size of the New York City area that it wasn't crammed full on a Friday afternoon. Entrance fee + $20 parking does limit things perhaps...

This is my favorite shot that I took: doesn't get better than this for mystery and allure!

I was a little shocked at the massive size of this liverwort (left no doubt for educational purposes). This is a nasty pest in shade gardens!


 This massive Laelia made me envious...

My two generous hosts: Michael Hagen on the left (Curator of the Thomas Everett rock garden) and Marc Hachadourian, Curator of Orchids and head of the incredible greenhouse complex.

Although the show is designed by a famous floral designer, it integrates with the fantastic collections inside the glorious Victorian complex.

 I have admired Marc's incredible orchid displays that were featured for years in the massive Library building at NYBG: I have always suspected the Orchid extravaganza grew out of these--he contributed this display of choice specimens from the extensive permanent collection (protected behind glass)....

 Marc recently published a book called Orchid Modern, click on that link and you can buy it for an incredible price! I regard Marc, along with Dan Hinkley and Tony Avent as the most knowledgeable all around horticulturist in America. How lucky to tour this exhibit with him!

One last look at the arching orchids above the pond: look at the dazed visitors on the right!

As if the orchids weren't enough, the Blue Jade vine just had to be blooming as well (Strongylodon macrobotrys) They grow this superbly at NYBG where it blooms reliably every year (although Marc said the bloom was sparser this year than most...which was small comfort). 

Mind you, I doubt I photographed half the orchids in the show! If you're anywhere near New York this month, high tailed it down there: I guarantee you'll be glad you did.


  1. What a delight. I've been to the Conservatory many times and seen many shows, but orchids in March.... well, that's special.

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