Lilium specxiosum (white form) |
My third installment of pictures taken during a much too short visit to the fantastic botanical garden in Gothenburg on September 12 of this year (if you haven't checked out the other two,
click here to access the first and
here to access the second blog). I was busy much of the time interacting with a dozen or so of the world's horticultural glitterati, and we were there only for a few hours--these three blogs' worth of pictures were shot quickly, and without the care that such a stunning garden deserves. This was my third visit here (I'd come before in June and in late April). Now to visit all the OTHER months!
Another glimpse of the rock garden |
A thistle, not sure which species, alas. |
Sanguisorba hakusanensis ' |
This has shot to the top of my "must get" plants for next spring!
conogonon (Polygonum) tortuosum x alpinum |
An amazing collection of knotweed from the Swedish Expedition to Pakistan: Dan Johnson and I re-traced some of this expedition in 2001, and we saw many knotweeds--but never one like this!
conogonon (Polygonum) tortuosum x alpinum closeup |
Wonderful clearings in the Asian gardens create a meditative, Japanese garden feel. |
Mats Havström, scientific curator |
We were fortunate to have several staff help lead us and answer questions. Mats has been a leader at Gothenburg for many years. And a wonderful host!
Matteucia orientalis in the Asian garden |
I was captivated once again with the East Asian cousin to our Ostrich fern: I don't know if this is being grown in the USA yet or not.
Astilbe chinensis |
Not quite the same as the
Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila' which is the best of the genus for us in Colorado--it would be fun to grow and compare.
The Swedes are serious about recycling! |
I wish we had this system instead of one that lets the squirrels have a nonstop buffet!
Diphylleia cymosa |
I'm pretty sure this is the American species and not its similar cousin from east Asia (
Diphylleia grayi)
Lunchtime! |
We were treated to an enchanting lunch outdoors: the sort of magic times that make trips like this glow in one's memory!
Fredrik Kinnbo, Swedish horticulturist |
At the luncheon, John Greenlee discoverd that one of our company had served as the model for God Lager! Or so he pretended...
A trough with Haworthias and Gasterias I suspect was brought in for the winter... |
A wonderful exhibit of mushrooms |
There were so many vignettes and corners I simply didn't photograph (or even get to)--just a few random shots to show the range of things to see at this botanic garden.
Steppe border |
One building had a variety of plants from steppe climates lined out--where the reflected heat of the building (and presumably a well drained, alkaline soil) allowed them to prosper. Needless to say I lingered over this and was chagrined to see dozens of plants we've yearned to grow thriving here!
Yes, that's a zauschneria on the right--and a hybrid between Pelargonium endlicherianum and P. quercetorum dead center., |
We have grown that hybrid. But may not have it any longer. Insert pained emojis here.
Eucomis schijffii |
I'm pretty sure of the I.D. on this--didn't tiptoe in to look at the label...
And finally, a last glimpse at one of the Annual extravaganzas near the exit. Thank you, Gothenburg, for yet another memorable and enchanting visit. I hope to return again before too long!
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