Thursday, September 28, 2017


I can hear some of my regular friends groaning already "Blue Hydrangeas?" Why on earth is he showing pictures of this most Maritime, most hackneyed and yet most loved Victorian matron. Just as a talking dog, or horse, merits some interest, a front garden planted thickly with Hydrangea macrophylla in Colorado's steppe climate is of more than passing interest. Ever since the "everblooming" sort was introduced a few years ago, I've seen them here and there around Denver. And I have to admit, I'm impressed with how they're doing.

You can be snobby all you want, but you have to admit this is a bit of a tour-de-force in our semi-arid climate! I wouldn't want to pay their water bill...

And now for a rather dramatic shift: not far from the hydrangeas, a large garden was recently refurbished consisting largely of this wonderful Southwestern tree yucca, Yucca rostrata. Rather different from hydrangeas in effect or culture...

The simple landscape complements the mid-century style home--and both are rather newish I would think...

Just a few more random shots: I enjoyed this immensely--the plant selection is as eclectic as the contrast of one home to the next...

You can tell I like beaked Yucca...

A few houses down and across the street I saw this pink shrub that gave me a start...turns out to be begonias...

I've enjoyed this simple garden of groundcovers--not much of a mowing bill here...

Slightly wild, but still fun...

This one has a bit of a xeriscape/rock garden in front. Cool!

There are too many of these: a giant house in an expensive neighborhood--the street trees are dead and the grass is stressed. Perhaps it's due for a re-landscape?

I've always loved this yard that consists entirely of lamb's ear (Stachys lanata, or S. byzantina)

And finally a xeric corner on a Hilltop mansion...notice the bonsai pine? And the red yucca and especially the Cylindropuntia davisii. this is not gardening as usual!

I've not been to every big city in America (yet) but I have not found another that grows quite the range--from blue hydrangeas to tree yuccas. I wished I'd photographed the giant rhododendrons I passed by this morning. And there are large evergreen magnolias in a few select gardens.

Denver, I love you! You are indeed the city eclectic (or eclecticity for short). If that words not trademarked yet, I better get on the stick.


  1. I enjoy looking at other landscapes. It is interesting when one in a neighborhood creates a planting that makes you stop and look. Fun.

  2. Now I know where you were. One of which was Dorothy's family home with Dorothy's late sister-inspired garden.

  3. I suspected as much, Jim (I know where YOU are too!)'s a wonderful house with a fabulous history (and some wonderful trees too!) that neighborhood. #1 Champion English oak is nearby...I should take you to it!

  4. The garden of groundcovers and graceful tree is most appealing to me by far -- not least because the small scale of the house is so much more comfortable.


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