Iris aucheri in Plantasia steppe |
For months the landscape has been pretty mute... The four "b's" of Colorado winter: bark, branches, buds and brown! Brown...but also tan, ecru, amber, umber, and a few more "b's" (bronze, brass, beige, brown...but I said brown already)...and of course grey. Gray, Gris. Silvery and tin, tan and dun. Did I say brown? Yes I notice I said it twice before...and occasionally a dusting of snow (not much this winter)...but then a few Hellebores rise, the adonis and crocuses...and pretty soon the whole crayon box spills out and color starts daubing the garden. The city has been ablaze for weeks with simply stunning Callery pears (yes, I said Callery Pears--'Bradford' and 'Chanticleer' primarily.They're not weedy here yet!) looking amazingly white, and now the crabs chime in and the Betty Boop lipstick pink of redbuds. I know her lipstick is red, but there's that pink in the background...you get the picture anyway--color--especially green in the twigs and the bluegrass lawns and the budding shrubs--is making a comeback with several days of rain and drizzle...The pictures below are a smattering of what's come out in the last week--which I've photographed. And lots more I didn't. And lots that I did that I didn't download--spring's springing. What can I say? Not much more than the captions is all. Enjoy!
Primula elatior and bulbous rabble in the Rock Alpine Garden |
Primula abshasica at Quince St. garden |
Prunus dulcis Dwarf Central Asian variant at Quince Garden |
Crocus tomasinianus |
Corydalis glaucescens |
Fritillaria caucasica |
Erythronium tuolumnense |
Erythronium tuolumnense |
Ipheon uniflorum Albino |
Narcissus watieri |
Corydalis solida (cvs.) |
Colchicum hungaricum Quince |
Colchicum filiferum Quince |
Draba polytricha Quince |
Tulipa polychroma Quince |
Iris reticulata 'J.S. Dijt' Quince |
Iris reticulata 'J.S. Dijt' Quince |
Iris reticulata 'J.S. Dijt' Quince |
Iris reticulata 'White Caucasus' Quince |
Iris reticulata 'White Caucasus' Quince |
Crabapples, Civic Center, Denver |
Wedge East Garden DBG |
Leontice ewersii Quince garden |
Fritillaria persica DBG |
Corydalis shanganii ssp. ainii Steppe Garden DBG |
Fritillaria sewertzowii Steppe Garden DBG |
Fritillaria eduardii Steppe Garden DBG |
T T |
Rheum nanum, Steppe Garden DBG |
Pulsatilla pratensis 'Nigricans' in the Childrens Garden, DBG |
Narcissus 'Jet Fire' in the Childrens Garden |
Corydalis malkensis Rock Alpine Garden |
Corydalis madness, Rock Alpine Garden |
Corydalis 'George Baker' Rock Alpine Garden |
My former home is looking good - and maybe early? But this year has been an odd one. Spring is the time when I overlook the negatives of overdone, often unhappy, plants like bradford pears, red-tip photinia, and purple plums. Yet redbuds, india hawthorn, and the like are always great.