Arctotis arctotoides |
A rather modest DYD to begin this blog: Two Gun Pass is really much higher (several thousand feet) than Oxbow--and our experience up there is rather complicated to relate. Needless to say, 18 people walked most of the way down as our poor Bus driver had issues re-gassing, and fixing vehicle... but the flowers were awesome!
Crassula setulosa ssp. curta |
We have grown this in Denver for decades: one of the best hardy crassulas.
Craterocapsa tarsodes |
One of several congested, tiny campanulads that abound all over the Drakensberg. The Latin name is almost as long as the plant!
Craterocapsa tarsodes |
Another, closer look...
Helichrysum trilineatum (Green leaf form) |
One of the commonest high altitude shrubs--this comes in a green, silver and wonderfully wooly form.
Delosperma sp. ign. |
I can't believe we never got a better picture of this Delo: a wonderfully tiny one that would be awesome in the Garden.
Romulea thodei |
I showed this from Witzieshoek as well--a wonderful cousin to the crocus.
Moraea alpina |
The tiniest and cutest of Moraeas--it would make a wonderful trough plant--and probably rock hardy!
Angora goats: "the enemy"
The devastation wrought on Flora by goats and sheep in Lesotho can't be exaggerated.
Crassula peploides |
This loves wet spots--on flat rocks that dry out eventually. Often grows with
Delosperma seanii-hoganii which it resembles!
Felicia sp. |
A fabulous miniature, shrubby felicia: would LOVE to grow this...
Cerastium sp. |
Not the common species in the books: possibly new? Looks a lot like
C. beeringianum in Colorado!
Senecio cf. speciosus and Asteraceae |
My favorite of many magenta-purple senecios that stud the meadows down here. Not a bad daisy either--not a clue what it is!
Helichrysum albobrunneum |
There are a dozen or more large flowered white helichrysums hereabouts: love em all!
Berkheya sp. |
Fabulous displays on the faux-thistles of South Africa!
Glumicalyx, probably nutans |
A very cool scroph...I was addled at first and put the wrong genus on this abundant and wonderful group of Drak endemics...
Helichrysum trilineatum |
The silvery form of the common shrub helichrysum...
Helichrysum praeteritium |
We grow this pretty well: but what a pleasure to see it carpeting the tundra for meters at a time!
Helichrysum bellum, H. trilineatum, Geranium magniflorum |
We have grown all three of these, although we need to get them going again!
Helichrysum bellum |
I first obtained this wonderful species from Olive Hillliard, who monographed this group in South Africa. I love that shimmering white!
Lotononis sp. |
A vivid miniature shrub...
Euphorbia? |
Or perhaps an umbel? One of many mysteries here...
Aster erucifolius |
A stunning little morsel!
Selago flanaganii |
A tiny alpine race of this strange creature one sees quite often on the Drakensberg.
Helichrysum |
One of a dozen or more carpeting helichrysums...
Cotyledon orbiculata |
Found everywhere in South Africa from sea level to the highest peaks, this may be one of the higher alitutude forms at almost 9000' near a ski area!
Cotyledon orbiculata |
Can you tell I like this?
Cotyledon orbiculata |
A parting shot...
A mystery Euphorbia growing nearby...
Zantedeschia aethiopica |
Not even the dotted leaves high alitude form, this is the form of the common Calla to try growing in cold climates!
Arctotis arctotoides--AGAIN! |
Crassula lycopodioides |
Delosperma cooperi |
I'd seen this in February eight years ago--mostly in seed. It's fun to see it in bloom at
this locus classicus!
Othonna sp. |
A ubiquitous daisy--not as good as its more succulent cousins in gardens...
Eucomis nana |
One of the rarest (and cutest) pineapple lilies...
Typical medly on the mountain! |
Delosperma nubigenum |
Still with a few flowers: last time only seed...
Delosperma in moss |
Eucomis schiffii nearby |
A tiny Holothrix orchid, an Othonna and more behind--a treasure trove! |
Eumorphia sericea, one of the few shrubs from South Africa that is Colorado hardy. |
Eumorphia sericea, again: I love this plant!
The last little blossom on Helichrysum aureum v. scopulosum: we found this all over the Drakensberg... |
A strange green orchid (I'll look it up: check back!) |
Galtonia viridiflora |
One lonely little Galtonia along the river--there were masses on steep, wet slopes near here we never got close enough to photograph. Sorry to end on a bit of an off note! The adventure continues--hang in there!
Excellent and very informative post. I appreciate the vicarious tour. Firstly, I had no idea that Lesotho had mountains that high. And secondly, I am astounding by how many genera are shared with western North America. Finally, how odd to think that common succulents that we grow have counterparts in so exotic a location.
ReplyDeleteNice photos again, so cool to see them in habitat, and knowing they come from so high up so they could withstand our winters. Glad to see you are having a great time in SA. Ernie
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ernie and Jane: "ex africa semper aliquid novi" as Pliny observed. This trip is no exception, although the flowering in a few areas was subdued because of drought. There is always something new!