Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Midsummer Garden: random shots from two weeks ago.

Hyssopus officinalis ssp aristatus in the Romantic Garden:
I will never know why, but Denver Botanic Gardens always looks fabulous in the dog days of summer. The following are various random shots taken on a single stroll (clockwise) around the grounds almost two weeks ago. Thought I'd share these--although I have twice as many since then. If you beg, I might perhaps share those too! Shot number one: wonderfully displayed--this bright lavender mint is not as often seen in gardens as it should be. Tough as nails!

x Chitalpa tashkentensis
I was amazed that our x Chitalpa made it through last winter with no damage! This bigeneric hybrid (Chilopsis linearis x Catalpa speciosa) is rarely seen in local gardens.

x Chitalpa tashkentensis
A closer look...
Cleome serrulata (purple and pink mixed)
I was very pleased to see that the white flowered Cleome has persisted at DBG (it's last known stand was transformed into the Potager)...I first collected this decades ago in the San Luis valley.

White lily
Don't know the name of the lily, nor of the white Nigella species (there are so many of those too) at its feet.

Zauschneria garrettii next to the Bistro

Anemone rivularis
A gangly Asian anemone--similar to but a tad nicer than the weedy A. virginiana that I've never quite managed to get rid of in any of my gardens...

Ligularia przewalskii blazing in Plantasia
Every year this seems to become an even greater spectacle, perhaps wanting to out-compete the Eremurus stenophyllus in the neighboring steppe garden?

Ligularia przewalskii blazing in Plantasia
I'm amazed that this doesn't flag in the sun like its round leaved congeners...

Ligularia przewalskii blazing in Plantasia
It was a treat to have Eve Reshetnik come visit: First time we'd gotten together since her accident. She's bounced back amazingly..speaking of bouncing: she got a good massage in her chair on the black pebble walk!
Ligularia przewalskii blazing in Plantasia
Even fascinating up close...

Ligularia przewalskii blazing in Plantasia
Here's a seedling out of place--hmmm. Maybe it should find a new home?

Overview of the steppe garden in midsummer
The steppe in midsummer glory. I love this garden. Some find it repelling: poor them.

Ziziphora in bloom in front, mystery umbel behind (both from Kazakhstan.)

Goniolimon tataricum in the steppe garden
Statice time in the steppe: Four or more genera represented...and many species.

Garlands of flowers
Love this graceful combo of unusual plants that tolerate great drought and heat.

Various genera of Limoniaceae in Plantasia steppe garden
Having trouble tearing myself away....

Hypericum ex Kazakhstan
I don't know which hypericum--looks suspiciously like perforatum.

Papaver croceum
This distinctive poppy has been lumped into P. nudicaule of late: bah humbug!

Stachys foliosa
One of my favorite steppe denizens--so adaptabvle and accomodating (and virtually unknown in gardens).
Lilium regale and L. concolor (red)
One can never have enough lilies...

New crevice garden in south African plaza
Mike Kintgen (who would drive the Energizer bunny to exhaustion) built YET ANOTHER crevice garden--this in South African plaza--and filled it with succulent gems.

Geranium magniflorum
I think this may be a seedling!

Label says it all
I love it when we display unique species!

One can never have enough kniphofias...

Berkheya cirsiifolia in South African Plaza
You know: I have WAY too many pictures to comment on them all: if you have questions, ask, and I'll comment. Way too much to see here this time of year. So enjoy! (in silence from me that is)...
Berkheya purpurea in South African Plaza

Argemone munita

Argemone munita

Ceanothus greggii

Ceanothus greggii

Ceanothus greggii

Kniphofia madness in South African plaza

Silphium terebinthinaceum

Kniphofia madness in South African plaza

Crevice garden in Rock Alpine Garden

Crevice garden closeup


Gaillardia aristata in foreground and crevice garden beyond

Lower meadow

Echinacea tenneseensis in
Lower meadow

One of my favorite perches...

Label says it! cute as a button.

Achnatherum calamagrostis just STARTING to bloom: you should see it today! Hooboy.

Opuntia humifusa

Festuca scoparia 'Pic Carlit'

A wonderful trough in the rock garden

Acanthus balcanicus (or longifolius or hungaricus)

Daphne oleioides

I love the textures of foliage on rock plants even when they're not in bloom.

A redder A. hungariicus

Callirhoe involucrata c. tenuisecta

Callirhoe involucrata c. tenuisecta

Callirhoe involucrata c. tenuisecta

Callirhoe involucrata c. tenuisecta

Astrantia maxima

Astrantia maxima

Campanula x stansfieldii 'Alba'

Campanula cochlearifolia 'Alba'

 Opuntia humifusa

 Opuntia humifusa

Alcea kurdica

 Opuntia cv.

Salvia ringens

Salvia ringens

Amorpha canescens and Callirhoe involucrata

Amorpha canescens complementing Chihuly


Tropical Bonsai

Echinacea tenneseensis and Callirhoe involucrata

Callilrhoe involucrata in Watersmart

Echinacea tenneseensis and Callirhoe involucrata

Seseli hummiferum

Echinacea tenneseensis and Seseli hummiferum

Eryngium pandanifolium

Eryngium pandanifolium

Ratibida columnifera and Echinacea  in Cottonwood border

Phlomis crinita

Phlomis crinita

Phlomis crinita

Penstemon amphorelliae

Stipa barbata

Agave havardiana

Agave havardiana

Yucca rostrata in Yuccarama


  1. Thank you and I too would enjoy more photos. Amazing gardens! I love the yuccas.

    Donna Evers

  2. I've added quite a few names to my "to try" list. I think that's good, right?

  3. Oh my god! Wonderful!
    Thank you for this amazing trip!


  4. Thank you all for your encouragement--I shall have to download some tonight in your honor! Although it takes a day or two to massage them into a post. Your wish is my command!

    And yes, I work in Paradise!


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