Porophyllum saxifrage in a crevice garden at Peter Korn's |
A few days ago I featured some of Jan Fahs' images from Peter Korn's remarkable nursery and garden--this is the first of several posts where I will try and show a bit more: we're talking about many acres, greenhouses, gardens everywhere. How does one capture such a multifaceted spot where every view is a vista and every closeup is a precious vignette? Well--you shall just have to scroll through my blogs and try to parallax the truth! Above is typical of the intimate views one gets here and there all over the vast property....the magic of rock gardens!
Saxifraga oppositifolia covered in frost... |
We had heavy frost several days in the early morning, and of course the alpines were loving it! Boy, would I love to have a nursery near me selling fat pots of this Saxifrage in my vicinity! Notice the dead foliage of the autumn gentians: the nursery has hundreds of pots full of these that must make a spectacle in the autumn! I'd scarf these up too if they were a tad nearer to me...
Pulsatilla albana in a mini-meadow |
What a luxury to have a garden of a size where you can grow drifts of plants in some spots, and yet have the occasional loner like this looking exactly as it would in nature. Here, covered with hoarfrost, is one of the homelier pulsatillas--but quite fetching nonetheless!
Androsace carnea |
This for me is simply sublime: to have a whole bank glimmering with androsaces--not even the Alps could beat this!
Androsace brevis |
Another bank had hundreds of this lovely pink androsace naturalizing...
Androsace brevis |
Another view of the same!
Rhododendron and Polypodium vulgare growing as petrophyte |
In a woodsy part of the garden there are numerous large rhododendrons--here a smaller one growing next to a rock capped with a Polypody...
Crevice garden in alpine house |
Alpine houses here and there--some designed to grow dryland plants like this one...
Fritillaria karelinii in the bulb house at Peter Korn nursery |
The bulb house is just beginning to come into bloom--I was particularly charmed by this fritillary
Spectacular clumps of Arum korolkowii in the bulb house |
And I wouldn't mind growing some of this
Arum (I have some korolkowii that should be blooming one of these years--hope mine is as pretty)...
Sebaea sp. in the greenhouse |
Some South Africans here and there--this is one of my favorite gentian relatives...
Glimpse of the tarn at the bottom of the rock garden |
Lift your eyes upward, and grand vistas unfold!
Porophyllum saxifrages ready for the plant sale |
And lucky locals can take a bit of the magic home!
(I have posted more pictures
on another blog I wrote for Denver Botanic Gardens website)
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